Sumario del Boletín n.º 8, 2012 |
"Utraque ex ore": los pecados de la lengua en los "Emblemas" de Covarrubias
C. Galán Rodríguez , María Isabel Rodríguez Ponce
Universidad de Extremadura
Dpto. de Filología Hispánica y
Lingüística General
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Avda. de la Universidad s/n
E-10074 Cáceres
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relation between the iconic-symbolic representation of the sins of the language collected in the Emblemas (1610) and its verbal translationin the corresponding entries of the Tesoro (1611).
Key Words: Sins of language, Covarrubias, lexicography.
Texto completo 3-22
A primeira "Grammatica Anglo-Lusitanica" (Londres, 1701) e as suas ediçoes
Rolf Kemmler
Dpto. de Letras, Artes e Communicação
Centro de Estudos em Letras
P-5001-801 Vila Real
Dated from 1701, an author identified as A. J., aka Alexander Justice, published in London a bilingual English-Portuguese and Portuguese-English dictionary under the title A Compleat Account of the Portugueze Language. To this first dictionary of these two modern languages, the author attached a grammar for Portuguese speakers with the title Grammatica Anglo-Lusitanica, a work that was reprinted in 1702 and 1705. Although Justice’s metalinguistic works have been the object of occasional references in works of modern scholars, until now there has been no comprehensive assessment of all major issues related to them. Therefore, this article attempts to report on the editions, structural aspects and other issues related to the grammar’s content, as well as information of bibliographical or similar nature, related to what may be considered the first Anglo- Portuguese grammar itself.
Key Words: linguistic historiography, bilingual gramar, English, Portuguese, eighteenth century
Texto completo 23-42
Breve panorámica de la lexicografía vasca anterior al "Diccionario Trilingüe" de Larramendi (1745)
Josu M. Zulaika Hernández
Eusko Ikaskuntza – Sociedad de Estudios Vascos
Miramar Jauregia. Miraconcha, 48
E-20007 Donostia-San Sebastián
According to academic literature, the 1745 publication of Larramendi’s Diccionario Trilingue del Castellano, Bascuence y Latin represents the first important example of old Basque lexicography. In this article, we propose to examine, to the extent the length of this text permits, Basque lexicography prior to Larramendi’s dictionary. First, we will try to highlight its similarities (as well as it peculiarities) with the lexicographical works of European counterparts and then, provide a chronological assessment of all Basque lexicography of the period, while attempting to detail some of the principal characteristics of each: authorship, title, order of languages, length, sources, critical studies, etc.
Key Words: Lexicography, Basque language, Historical linguistics.
Texto completo 43-72
El castellano en la ortografía portuguesa: El caso de Joao Franco Barreto
Sonia Duarte
Universidade do Porto
Centro de Linguística
Faculdade de Letras
Via Panorâmica, s/n
P-4150-564 Porto
As Ponce de León (2005, 675-6) explains, prior to the publication in the nineteenth century of materials specifically orientated to the study of Spanish, this language already plays an important role in Portuguese and Latin-Portuguese gramaticography, orthography and lexicography. Although the impact of its presence has already received some specific attention from historiographical research –as, in the last years, illustrate the works of Rodríguez (2005), Ponce de León (2006b), Salas Quesada (2006) and Duarte (in print)–, several texts are yet to be explored. One of the works that still deserves further investigation is precisely João Franco Barreto’s, though it has already received some important comments from this point of view on the works of Gonçalves (2003, 872-3) and Ponce de Léon (2006a and 2006b). This paper engages on the listing and interpretation of the explicit references to the Spanish language in Barreto’s Ortografia, trying to analyse them while focusing primarily on the goals that they serve there and its underlying representations. On doing so, the paper attempts to demonstrate that Barreto’s work contains precious information on the Spanish language and that it does not share the conflictive point of view that prevailed in the previous tradition, and that, although with other features, kept determining the presence of Spanish in the Portuguese tradition in the following centuries.
Key Words: João Franco Barreto, portuguese orthography, seventeenth century, language representations.
Texto completo 73-94
Nuevas pistas acerca de la edición "no tan fantasma" de la "Gramática de la Real Academia Española" de 1788
Victoriano Gaviño Rodríguez
Universidad de Cádiz
Dpto. de Filología
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Avda. Gómez Ulla, 1
E-11003 Cádiz
This paper aims to uncover new clues about a disputed chapter in our historiographical tradition: was there an edition of the academic grammar published in 1788? Although no one has found hard copies of this book, some authors speak of it; others, however, directly deny its existence and doubt its publication citing a lack of evidence. Our work intends to serve as a link between these distincs points of view, attempting to prove the existence of the GRAE-1788 through a typographical study of different copies of the previous edition, published in 1781, that we have in our libraries.
Key Words: grammar, historiography, edition, reprint, typography.
Texto completo 95-118
Los programas de "Lingüística romance" entre 1924 y 1946: El giro dialectológico
Emiliano Battista
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Instituto de Lingüística
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
25 de Mayo 217, 1º
(1002) - Buenos Aires
This paper analyzes the syllabuses of the course “Romance Linguistics”, delivered at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in the University of Buenos Aires from 1924 through 1946. As we will try to demonstrate, the analyses of these syllabuses allow us to confirm the transformation process achieved, at a University teaching level, in the field of Hispanic Philology, since the academic activity developed in Argentina by Amado Alonso took place. In order to do so, we will review the historical conditions in which the chair of “Romance Linguistics” was created, and will analyze the syllabuses delivered by Agustín Millares Carlo (1924), Manuel de Montolíu (1925), Juan Chiabra (1926) and Amado Alonso (1928-1946). We conclude that the modifications observable among the syllabuses throughout the period considered allow us to record the movement from a historical-positivist paradigm – which regards language as a depersonalized and unspiritualized object– towards a synchronic-idealistic paradigm –which regards the subjective dimension in the contemplation of the linguistic phenomenon.
Key Words: Romance Linguistics, Institute of Philology, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Amado Alonso.
Texto completo 119-142
La excepción en la gramática española: perspectivas de análisis
Marta Torres Martínez
Universidad de Jaén
Departamento de Filología Española
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación
Campus de las Lagunillas, s/n
E-23071 Jaén
Es reseña de:
La excepción en la gramática española: perspectivas de análisis / coord. por Carsten Sinner, Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar
Iberoamericana : Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, 2010. ISBN 978-84-8489-506-0
Texto completo 143-148
Los principios de las gramáticas académicas (1771-1962)
Adrián Álvarez Fernández
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Dpto. CC. Educ., Lenguaje, Cultura y Artes
Cº del Molino s/n
E-28943 Fuenlabrada (Madrid)
Es reseña de:
Los principios de las gramáticas académicas (1771-1962)
José J. Gómez Asencio
Peter Lang, 2011. ISBN 978-3-0343-1057-4
Texto completo 149-153
Bibliografía Cronológica de la Lingüística, la Gramática y la Lexicografía del español (BICRES IV): Desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860
Mercedes Quilis Merín
Universitat de València
Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació
Avd. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
E- 46010 Valencia
Es reseña de:
Bibliografía Cronológica de la Lingüística, la Gramática y la Lexicografía del español (BICRES IV): Desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860 / coord. por Miguel Angel Esparza Torres , Hans-Josef Niederehe
John Benjamins Publishing, 2012. ISBN 9780591301779
Texto completo 154-158
Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550-1800
Ana Segovia Gordillo
Es reseña de:
Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550-1800
Otto Zwartjes
John Benjamins Publishing, 2011. ISBN 9789027246080
Texto completo 159-166
Marta Torres Martínez
Universidad de Jaén
Departamento de Filología Española
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación
Campus de las Lagunillas, s/n
E-23071 Jaén
Es reseña de:
La excepción en la gramática española: perspectivas de análisis / coord. por Carsten Sinner, Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar
Iberoamericana : Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, 2010. ISBN 978-84-8489-506-0
Texto completo 143-148
Los principios de las gramáticas académicas (1771-1962)
Adrián Álvarez Fernández
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Dpto. CC. Educ., Lenguaje, Cultura y Artes
Cº del Molino s/n
E-28943 Fuenlabrada (Madrid)
Es reseña de:
Los principios de las gramáticas académicas (1771-1962)
José J. Gómez Asencio
Peter Lang, 2011. ISBN 978-3-0343-1057-4
Texto completo 149-153
Bibliografía Cronológica de la Lingüística, la Gramática y la Lexicografía del español (BICRES IV): Desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860
Mercedes Quilis Merín
Universitat de València
Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació
Avd. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
E- 46010 Valencia
Es reseña de:
Bibliografía Cronológica de la Lingüística, la Gramática y la Lexicografía del español (BICRES IV): Desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860 / coord. por Miguel Angel Esparza Torres , Hans-Josef Niederehe
John Benjamins Publishing, 2012. ISBN 9780591301779
Texto completo 154-158
Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550-1800
Ana Segovia Gordillo
Es reseña de:
Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550-1800
Otto Zwartjes
John Benjamins Publishing, 2011. ISBN 9789027246080
Texto completo 159-166