Sumario del Boletín n.º 7, 2010 |
Juan Clemente Zamora Munné (1930-2007)
Félix Fernández de Castro
Universidad de Oviedo
Departamento de Filología Española
Campus del Milán
E-33071 Oviedo
Texto completo 4-16
El modelo descriptivo de Maciel en la gramaticografía brasileña
Andressa Dorásio Parreira
Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Filología
Plaza Anaya, s/n
E-37008 Salamanca
Descriptive grammar at present is considered to be based upon theoretical and methodological principles that search for the synchronic description of the language through a system of empirical-deductive analysis based upon an extensive corpus of examples, citations and contemporary literary authorities (Lliteras 1992). This discipline possibly represents the most important development for the Spanish and Brazilian grammaticographies during the 19th century. This paper is centered especially upon the investigation of the descriptive current of 19th century and its application in the Brazilian grammar tradition. Here we present a brief analysis of the work most representative of this period: Grammatica Descriptiva by Maximino Maciel (1887-1894). Our principle objectives are to value the theoretical and methodological advances that Maciel achieves with regard to the grammarians that precede him and demonstrate the particularities of the grammatical principles used by the Brazilian author.
Key Words: Historiography, Descriptive grammar, Brazilian tradition, 19th Century.
Texto completo 17-40
A primeira gramática impressa na Ilha de Madeira: Os Principios de Grammatica Geral applicados á Lingua Latina (Funchal, 1835)
Rolf Kemmler
Departamento de Letras, Artes e Communicação
Centro de Estudo em Letras
P-5001-801 Vila Real
More than half a century after the abolition and prohibition (in 1759) of the famous Latin grammar of Jesuit teaching, EMMANVELIS ALVARI È SOCIETATE IESV DE INSTITVTIONE GRAMMATICA LIBRI TRES (11572), by the Madeirense Manuel Alvarez (1526-1583), in 1835 the reality of language teaching in Portugal was still dominated by the Latin language, whilst the Portuguese language continued to be relegated to the background. It was in this context that a Latin grammar,
written in Portuguese by Marceliano Ribeiro de Mendonça (1805-1866), a fellow countryman of Alvarez, came to light. Mendonça was a Funchal-born Latin language and philosophy teacher who would be appointed professor of Latin in the newly-created system of secondary education (1836), at the school now known as the Liceu Jaime Moniz. As an indirect reflection of traces of the French Grammaire Générale in Portugal, the Principios de Grammatica Geral applicados á Lingua Latina denote that Marceliano Ribeiro de Mendonça must have known at least the major works of Latin-Portuguese grammar production of his time. On the other hand, the fact that it is the first grammar printed in Madeira is especially noteworthy, having been edited and printed there at a time when the press was still in the process of emancipation from the continent. As a representative of school grammars in the first half of the nineteenth century, Mendonça's work combines aspects of traditional and innovative Latin and Portuguese grammar, therefore deserving of a special place within the Latin and Portuguese grammar tradition.
Key Words: Linguistic Historiography, Latin and Portuguese Grammar Tradition, General Grammar, Latin Grammar, Madeira, Funchal, 19th Century.
Texto completo 41-72
Paradigmas gramaticales del nuevo mundo: un acercamiento
Ascensión Hernández de León Portilla
Ciudad Universitaria
Circuito Mario de la Cueva, s/n
México, D. F. 04510
Grammatical Paradigms of the New World provides an overview of the Grammars produced since the 16th Century relative to the main Amerindian languages. In her study the author concentrates upon the work of missionaries who dealt with some tongues spoken in four American areas: Mesoamerica, the Andean region, the Amazonian jungle and the Saint Lawrence River basin, including Massachusetts. She adopted the concept of grammatical paradigms as the model that each missionary envisaged to encompass the structures of these languages so radically different to those of other already known tongues. The unveiled paradigms came to enrich the knowledge in the field of descriptive linguistics and as well set up a new chapter in the universal history of the sciences of language.
Key Words: Paradigm, American Babel, evangelization, grammatical code system, grammatical strategies, composition, languages widely spoken, Missionary Linguistics.
Texto completo 73-108
Coseriu, Saussure y el problema del cambio lingüistico
José Luis Mendivil Giró
Universidad de Zaragoza
Dto. Lingüística General e Hispánica
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
E-50009 Zaragoza
The present paper is a modest contribution to the history of ideas about linguistic change and about the conception of language itself. It focuses on Eugenio Coseriu’s theory of linguistic change, a theory formulated as an attempt to overcome Saussure’s famous antinomy between synchrony and diachrony, and also as an attempt to shift the interest on Saussurean language (langue) towards the study of speech (parole). It is concluded that Saussure’s model is more coherent with some recent approaches to linguistic change than Coseriu’s one, being the later, because of Coseriu’s anti-naturalistic view of language, unable to overcame the problems inherent to any teleological explanation of linguistic changes.
Key Words: Theory of linguistic change, Coseriu, Saussure, functionalism, synchrony, diachrony.
Texto completo 109-128
El Brocense, lexicográfico: el cuaderno " Etimologías españolas"
Francisco Javier Perea Siller
Universidad de Córdoba
Dto. Ciencias del Lenguaje
Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3
E-14071 Córdoba
Before its publication in the Nuevo Tesoro Lexicográfico del español (2007), the manuscript Etimologías españolas has gone almost unnoticed to the scholars. Our aim has been to study two fundamental aspects. Firstly, we have tried to demonstrate that its author is Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas, as Gregorio Mayans suspected. The Brocense is also author of other etymologic texts which have not remained. Secondly, we have analyzed escurialense manuscript as an etymological dictionary. Its author claimed to show evidence of a paneuropean lexicon with a common origin. For that reason in the articles he cites not only words of languages to be expected as etymologies of Spanish (Latin, Greek, Arab and Hebrew) but also others like French, Italian, English and German.
Key Words: Etimologías españolas, Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas, etymological Lexicography, etymological dictionary.
Texto completo 129-153
Tradición y novedad en el tratamiento de los tiempos verbales en diccionarios del español en el Siglo XIX
Mercedes Quilis Merín
Universitat de València
Departamento de Filología Española
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
E-46010 Valencia
This paper examines the treatment of tense as a grammatical accident and the updating of this concept in a wide range of Spanish dictionaries published in the nineteenth century. The study and comparison is performed both at the macrostructure and at the specialized marking, and its definition; thus we can observe the dependency of the grammar model offered by the successive editions of the dictionary academic model, –a model that, gradually, and especially at the end of the century, was becoming normative–, as well as the contrast offered by the non-academic dictionaries of the period, where it is possible to find sporadically some outstanding innovations that are linked directly to their contemporary Spanish grammar books and very close to the French models.
Key Words: Nineteenth-century Spanish Lexicography, History of Spanish grammar, verbal tenses.
Texto completo 155-172
Aproximación al análisis lógico en Chile: Julio Meza
Carsten Sinner
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig
Gramaticographical research on the texts produced in Latin America beyond Bello has experienced a certain increase over the last decade. However, the grammatical tradition of the Colonies and the then independent States is still quite unknown, resulting in a limited understanding of the history of Spanish Grammar. In this paper, we approach the Spanish grammars produced in Chile in the twentieth century, specifically the work of Julio Meza Tapia (†1968) who since the 1940s published a series of linguistic texts for education, such as the Gramática castellana para todos los cursos de humanidades y de las escuelas normales (Santiago de Chile: Editorial 'Cultura', 1942), the Gramática castellana del siglo XX (Santiago de Chile: Nascimento, 1955) or the text that is being studied here, the Análisis lógico de la oración castellana simple y compuesta (Santiago de Chile: Editorial 'Cultura' 1954 [1944]).
Key Words: Spanish Grammar, Logical Analysis, Chile, Julio Meza.
Texto completo 173-184
La investigación lexicográfica en el Instituto de Filología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1923-1927)
Guillermo Toscano y García
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Instituto de Lingüística
25 de Mayo 217/221, 1°
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
This article aims at analysing the lexicographic research carried out by the Instituto de Filología of the Universidad de Buenos Aires between 1923 and 1927. Specifically, it seeks to reconstruct, in the first place, the scientific program originally devised for the centre; in the second place, it attempts to systematize the available documentary information (not thoroughly gathered by the historiography of the period up to now) as well as to show the activities and lexicographic projects formulated and –in some cases– executed by the Instituto under the leadership of its first four directors: Américo Castro, Agustín Millares Carlo, Manuel de Montolíu y Roberto Lehman-Nitsche. By analysing the theoretical views that guided these research projects, we intend to show a conflict between two disciplinary models: the one defined by Ricardo Rojas and the local university authorities, and that of Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Honorary director of the Argentinean centre.
Key Words: Instituto de Filología, Lexicography, Dialectology, Ideologies of Hispanism.
Texto completo 185-206
Félix Fernández de Castro
Universidad de Oviedo
Departamento de Filología Española
Campus del Milán
E-33071 Oviedo
Texto completo 4-16
El modelo descriptivo de Maciel en la gramaticografía brasileña
Andressa Dorásio Parreira
Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Filología
Plaza Anaya, s/n
E-37008 Salamanca
Descriptive grammar at present is considered to be based upon theoretical and methodological principles that search for the synchronic description of the language through a system of empirical-deductive analysis based upon an extensive corpus of examples, citations and contemporary literary authorities (Lliteras 1992). This discipline possibly represents the most important development for the Spanish and Brazilian grammaticographies during the 19th century. This paper is centered especially upon the investigation of the descriptive current of 19th century and its application in the Brazilian grammar tradition. Here we present a brief analysis of the work most representative of this period: Grammatica Descriptiva by Maximino Maciel (1887-1894). Our principle objectives are to value the theoretical and methodological advances that Maciel achieves with regard to the grammarians that precede him and demonstrate the particularities of the grammatical principles used by the Brazilian author.
Key Words: Historiography, Descriptive grammar, Brazilian tradition, 19th Century.
Texto completo 17-40
A primeira gramática impressa na Ilha de Madeira: Os Principios de Grammatica Geral applicados á Lingua Latina (Funchal, 1835)
Rolf Kemmler
Departamento de Letras, Artes e Communicação
Centro de Estudo em Letras
P-5001-801 Vila Real
More than half a century after the abolition and prohibition (in 1759) of the famous Latin grammar of Jesuit teaching, EMMANVELIS ALVARI È SOCIETATE IESV DE INSTITVTIONE GRAMMATICA LIBRI TRES (11572), by the Madeirense Manuel Alvarez (1526-1583), in 1835 the reality of language teaching in Portugal was still dominated by the Latin language, whilst the Portuguese language continued to be relegated to the background. It was in this context that a Latin grammar,
written in Portuguese by Marceliano Ribeiro de Mendonça (1805-1866), a fellow countryman of Alvarez, came to light. Mendonça was a Funchal-born Latin language and philosophy teacher who would be appointed professor of Latin in the newly-created system of secondary education (1836), at the school now known as the Liceu Jaime Moniz. As an indirect reflection of traces of the French Grammaire Générale in Portugal, the Principios de Grammatica Geral applicados á Lingua Latina denote that Marceliano Ribeiro de Mendonça must have known at least the major works of Latin-Portuguese grammar production of his time. On the other hand, the fact that it is the first grammar printed in Madeira is especially noteworthy, having been edited and printed there at a time when the press was still in the process of emancipation from the continent. As a representative of school grammars in the first half of the nineteenth century, Mendonça's work combines aspects of traditional and innovative Latin and Portuguese grammar, therefore deserving of a special place within the Latin and Portuguese grammar tradition.
Key Words: Linguistic Historiography, Latin and Portuguese Grammar Tradition, General Grammar, Latin Grammar, Madeira, Funchal, 19th Century.
Texto completo 41-72
Paradigmas gramaticales del nuevo mundo: un acercamiento
Ascensión Hernández de León Portilla
Ciudad Universitaria
Circuito Mario de la Cueva, s/n
México, D. F. 04510
Grammatical Paradigms of the New World provides an overview of the Grammars produced since the 16th Century relative to the main Amerindian languages. In her study the author concentrates upon the work of missionaries who dealt with some tongues spoken in four American areas: Mesoamerica, the Andean region, the Amazonian jungle and the Saint Lawrence River basin, including Massachusetts. She adopted the concept of grammatical paradigms as the model that each missionary envisaged to encompass the structures of these languages so radically different to those of other already known tongues. The unveiled paradigms came to enrich the knowledge in the field of descriptive linguistics and as well set up a new chapter in the universal history of the sciences of language.
Key Words: Paradigm, American Babel, evangelization, grammatical code system, grammatical strategies, composition, languages widely spoken, Missionary Linguistics.
Texto completo 73-108
Coseriu, Saussure y el problema del cambio lingüistico
José Luis Mendivil Giró
Universidad de Zaragoza
Dto. Lingüística General e Hispánica
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
E-50009 Zaragoza
The present paper is a modest contribution to the history of ideas about linguistic change and about the conception of language itself. It focuses on Eugenio Coseriu’s theory of linguistic change, a theory formulated as an attempt to overcome Saussure’s famous antinomy between synchrony and diachrony, and also as an attempt to shift the interest on Saussurean language (langue) towards the study of speech (parole). It is concluded that Saussure’s model is more coherent with some recent approaches to linguistic change than Coseriu’s one, being the later, because of Coseriu’s anti-naturalistic view of language, unable to overcame the problems inherent to any teleological explanation of linguistic changes.
Key Words: Theory of linguistic change, Coseriu, Saussure, functionalism, synchrony, diachrony.
Texto completo 109-128
El Brocense, lexicográfico: el cuaderno " Etimologías españolas"
Francisco Javier Perea Siller
Universidad de Córdoba
Dto. Ciencias del Lenguaje
Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3
E-14071 Córdoba
Before its publication in the Nuevo Tesoro Lexicográfico del español (2007), the manuscript Etimologías españolas has gone almost unnoticed to the scholars. Our aim has been to study two fundamental aspects. Firstly, we have tried to demonstrate that its author is Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas, as Gregorio Mayans suspected. The Brocense is also author of other etymologic texts which have not remained. Secondly, we have analyzed escurialense manuscript as an etymological dictionary. Its author claimed to show evidence of a paneuropean lexicon with a common origin. For that reason in the articles he cites not only words of languages to be expected as etymologies of Spanish (Latin, Greek, Arab and Hebrew) but also others like French, Italian, English and German.
Key Words: Etimologías españolas, Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas, etymological Lexicography, etymological dictionary.
Texto completo 129-153
Tradición y novedad en el tratamiento de los tiempos verbales en diccionarios del español en el Siglo XIX
Mercedes Quilis Merín
Universitat de València
Departamento de Filología Española
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
E-46010 Valencia
This paper examines the treatment of tense as a grammatical accident and the updating of this concept in a wide range of Spanish dictionaries published in the nineteenth century. The study and comparison is performed both at the macrostructure and at the specialized marking, and its definition; thus we can observe the dependency of the grammar model offered by the successive editions of the dictionary academic model, –a model that, gradually, and especially at the end of the century, was becoming normative–, as well as the contrast offered by the non-academic dictionaries of the period, where it is possible to find sporadically some outstanding innovations that are linked directly to their contemporary Spanish grammar books and very close to the French models.
Key Words: Nineteenth-century Spanish Lexicography, History of Spanish grammar, verbal tenses.
Texto completo 155-172
Aproximación al análisis lógico en Chile: Julio Meza
Carsten Sinner
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig
Gramaticographical research on the texts produced in Latin America beyond Bello has experienced a certain increase over the last decade. However, the grammatical tradition of the Colonies and the then independent States is still quite unknown, resulting in a limited understanding of the history of Spanish Grammar. In this paper, we approach the Spanish grammars produced in Chile in the twentieth century, specifically the work of Julio Meza Tapia (†1968) who since the 1940s published a series of linguistic texts for education, such as the Gramática castellana para todos los cursos de humanidades y de las escuelas normales (Santiago de Chile: Editorial 'Cultura', 1942), the Gramática castellana del siglo XX (Santiago de Chile: Nascimento, 1955) or the text that is being studied here, the Análisis lógico de la oración castellana simple y compuesta (Santiago de Chile: Editorial 'Cultura' 1954 [1944]).
Key Words: Spanish Grammar, Logical Analysis, Chile, Julio Meza.
Texto completo 173-184
La investigación lexicográfica en el Instituto de Filología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1923-1927)
Guillermo Toscano y García
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Instituto de Lingüística
25 de Mayo 217/221, 1°
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
This article aims at analysing the lexicographic research carried out by the Instituto de Filología of the Universidad de Buenos Aires between 1923 and 1927. Specifically, it seeks to reconstruct, in the first place, the scientific program originally devised for the centre; in the second place, it attempts to systematize the available documentary information (not thoroughly gathered by the historiography of the period up to now) as well as to show the activities and lexicographic projects formulated and –in some cases– executed by the Instituto under the leadership of its first four directors: Américo Castro, Agustín Millares Carlo, Manuel de Montolíu y Roberto Lehman-Nitsche. By analysing the theoretical views that guided these research projects, we intend to show a conflict between two disciplinary models: the one defined by Ricardo Rojas and the local university authorities, and that of Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Honorary director of the Argentinean centre.
Key Words: Instituto de Filología, Lexicography, Dialectology, Ideologies of Hispanism.
Texto completo 185-206
REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA Y ASOCIACIÓN DE ACADEMIAS DE LA LENGUA ESPAÑOLA, Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Morfología. Sintaxis,
Madrid, 2009, LIV + 3.885 pp.
Francisco Abad Nebot
Facultad de Filología
C/ Senda del Rey, 7
E-28040 Madrid
Texto completo 207-216
ZWARTJES, OTTO, & ARZÁPALO MARÍN, RAMÓN & SMITH-STARK, THOMAS C. (eds.) Missionary Linguistics IV / Lingüística misionera IV. Lexicography. Selected papers from the Fifth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida, Yucatán, March 2007. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2009, VI + 340 pp.
Ana Segovia Gordillo
Centro de CC. Humanas y Sociales
C/ Albasanz, 26-28
E-28037 Madrid
Texto completo 216-222
Madrid, 2009, LIV + 3.885 pp.
Francisco Abad Nebot
Facultad de Filología
C/ Senda del Rey, 7
E-28040 Madrid
Texto completo 207-216
ZWARTJES, OTTO, & ARZÁPALO MARÍN, RAMÓN & SMITH-STARK, THOMAS C. (eds.) Missionary Linguistics IV / Lingüística misionera IV. Lexicography. Selected papers from the Fifth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida, Yucatán, March 2007. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2009, VI + 340 pp.
Ana Segovia Gordillo
Centro de CC. Humanas y Sociales
C/ Albasanz, 26-28
E-28037 Madrid
Texto completo 216-222